
+ 001 0231 123 32



All demo content is for sample purposes only, intended to represent a live site. Please use the RocketLauncher to install an equivalent of the demo, all images will be replaced with sample images.

We've produced pre-recorded presentations to help our senior students with course options and subject selection next year. These "premiere" next week with links posted on Compass.
• Tuesday 28 July (7pm) – Online presentation for parents of Year 10 students on 2021 (Year 11) course options
• Wednesday 29 July (7pm) – Online presentation for parents of Year 12 students exploring employment or training options for 2021. Year 12s will receive information packs next week with materials referred to in the presentation.
Health measures mean we can't do these presentations in person but our Careers staff will be online both nights to respond to questions via email or your child’s Microsoft Teams account. The presentation links will remain for families to view and review over coming weeks.
Stay tuned for further information sessions and videos translated into other languages.