29 /08/21
Dear parents and carers and students
I write to provide you with some good news about two of our campuses.
The Department of Health (DH) has cleared the Mooroopna and Invergordon campuses to reopen from Tuesday 31 August. The Mooroopna and Invergordon campuses have undergone deep cleans in preparation for eligible students and staff returning onsite.
The Mooroopna and Invergordon campuses have been downgraded to Tier 2 exposure sites. This means that all students from these campuses are now able to end their quarantine period if they have evidence of a negative test result.
Household members identified as Secondary Close Contacts associated with the Mooroopna and Invergordon campuses can also end their quarantine if:
- the student attending the Mooroopna or Invergordon campuses has had a negative test result AND
- there are no children in the household who attend campuses or schools that are currently Tier 1 sites. Please note ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢â€™s McGuire and Wanganui campuses remain Tier 1 exposure sites. If you have children attending schools or campuses listed as Tier 1 sites, you must continue to follow the public health advice for all household members.
If any student or family member has any COVID-19 symptoms they must immediately get tested (or retested) and wait until they receive a negative test result.
Students in the following categories are eligible for on-site supervision and care at the Mooroopna and Invergordon Campuses:
- Children where both parents and or carers are considered who cannot work from home, work for an authorised provider and where no other supervision arrangements can be made.
- Children experiencing vulnerability – please contact the school for further information
Authorised worker permits for on-site supervision
- Parents and carers will only be able to request on-site supervision for their child/ren in Category A if they hold a permit as an .
Our McGuire and Wanganui campuses remain Tier 1 exposure sites. All students from these campuses are still considered Primary Close Contacts. Members within their households are still considered to be Secondary Close Contacts and are required to continue their 14 day quarantine period.
Anyone who has been identified as a primary close contact during the recent outbreak should not be on the school site until they are cleared by Victorian Department of Health (DH).
If anyone in your family develops any symptoms, no matter how mild, please get tested immediately and stay at home while you wait for the results.
Further information, including locations for your nearest testing site, is available at .
Once you have been tested you should return home and await the results.
While getting tested, please follow the latest requirements from DH about .
Our Mooroopna and Invergordon campuses will continue to learn remotely, in line with the current stay home advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, however this means staff and eligible students, except those identified by DH as primary close contacts who are in quarantine, can now return to school for on-site supervision from Tuesday 31 August, which includes students experiencing vulnerability, students with a disability and children of authorised workers (as previously communicated).
For any students who have been in quarantine, clearance letters are required to be presented to the school before you can attend onsite supervision.
Any primary close contacts who are currently quarantining must continue to do so until their 14-day quarantine period ends. In addition, primary close contacts are advised to undergo a test for COVID-19 on or after day 13 of quarantine.
Like all Victorian Government schools, our school has a COVIDSafe plan, which includes extra cleaning and record-keeping of all staff, students and visitors who attend on-site. Checking in with QR codes is mandatory for any visitors to schools including parents who come into school buildings and indoor facilities (but not staff or students).
Staff, students and visitors to schools are reminded to stay up to date with current face mask advice. Further information can be found at
More information
For more information please visit .
If you have questions about what this means for our school, call the Department of Education and Training COVID-19 hotline on 1800 338 663, available 8:30am to 5pm Monday through Friday, excluding public holidays.
If you require further information you can contact DH on 1300 651 160. If you are concerned you may have COVID-19 you can call the DH 24-hour COVID-19 hotline on 1800 675 398.
For school information in languages other than English, call TIS National on 131 450. Please ask them to call the DET COVID-19 hotline on 1800 338 663 and they will help interpret. For health advice in languages other than English, visit .
I will write to you again once more when information becomes available regarding our McGuire and Wanganui campuses.
I would like to thank you and the entire school community for your patience, understanding and support during this time.
Yours sincerely,
Barbara O’Brien
Executive Principal