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ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ is introducing an Attendance Line for the convenience of Parents, Carers and Guardians of our students.

If you child is unwell, has an appointment or another valid reason for not attending school, we ask you to please call your Campus and select the attendance option.

At the recording prompt, please tell us your child’s full name, year level, reason for absence, parent contact number and length of absence.

This line will commence operation from Monday, 6 September 2021 and applies to all ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ campuses.

You can notify the school about the absence of your child by using both the Attendance Line and the existing process on Compass.

Please note that from Monday, remote learning attendance will continue to be taken at 9am and for every additional session during the day. This is the same attendance monitoring that applies to a normal, on-site school day.

The Attendance Line will be a permanent option for the convenience of Parents, Carers and Guardians. It will assist us in monitoring the progress of our students in remote learning and when we return to on-site learning.