
+ 001 0231 123 32



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Dear parents/guardians/carers
We hope all our school families have enjoyed the break and all students are looking forward to commencing next week. 
Please note our school office hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm and the new school phone number for enquiries is 5891 2000.

To effectively transition our students onto the new site we will be staggering the commencement for all year levels in 2022.
Monday 31st January - Years 7, 9 & 12 students will commence. 
Year 7 students will go straight to their House entrance in their Neighbourhood building. 
Year 9 students will meet on the oval 
Year 12 students will meet in the gymnasium

Tuesday 1st February -  Years 8, 10 & 11 students will commence.
Year 8 students will meet in the central courtyard
Year 10 students will meet in the gymnasium 
Year 11 students will meet on the oval

Guides will be positioned around the College to help direct students.

Years 7, 9 & 12 students will remain at home on Tuesday 1st February.
They will be provided with tasks to complete while at home. 

Wednesday 2nd February - All students will be on-site