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The nomination period for the ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ School Council has now closed.
Please find below the nomination notification, listing the names of the nominees.
Thank you to all those who nominated, it is great to see parents and staff willing to give up their time to be representatives on School Council.
Please note that the parent membership category will be going to ballot and voting will begin on Tuesday 7 March 2023
Further information will be sent out to parents on how to vote.

Nominations received for the parent and school employee member positions for
ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ school council election 2023

An election is to be conducted for members of the ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ School Council.
The following nominations were received by 4pm Thursday 2 March

Parent Category number of vacancies Two (2)

William Hemming
Terri Cowley
Melanie Matthews
Emma Aitken
Ane Fotu

The poll for the staff membership category is formally declared and we congratulate the following staff.
They will be representing the staff of ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ on School Council.

School employee member
Mary-Ann Linehan
Megan Michalaidis