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Award ceremonies for Year levels 7 to 11 will be live-streamed so parents, relatives and carers can watch in "real time" as we celebrate student achievement. Covid-19 restrictions do not allow parents to attend in person - so watch for live-streaming links to be posted in coming days for the following ceremonies:

Year 11 Awards

Year 11 (McGuire): Thursday, 26th of November – 1.40pm
Year 11 (Wanganui): Friday, 27th of November – 1.40pm

Year 10 Awards

Year 10 (McGuire):  Wednesday, 2nd of December – 9.00am
Year 10 (Wanganui): Wednesday, 2nd of December – 2.00pm

Years 7,8 and 9 Awards

Year 7/8 (McGuire): Thursday, 10th December – 1.40pm
Year 8/9/10 (Mooroopna): Friday, 11th December – 9.00am
Year 8 (Wanganui): Friday, 11th December – 1.40pm