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The nomination period for the ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ School Council has now closed.

Please find below the nomination notification listing the names of the nominees.

Thank you to all those who nominated, it is great to see parents, staff and community members willing to give up their time to be representatives on School Council.

Nominations received for the parent and school employee member positions for ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ School Council Election 2024

The following nominations were received by 4.00pm on Tuesday 27 February 2024

Parent member - Number of vacancies Four (4)

Name of nominees:

  • William Hemming
  • Narelle Willing
  • Joel O’Sullivan

As the number of the nominations is less than the number of vacancies, we declare those who nominated as being elected. Congratulations!

The nomination period for the Parent Category will be extended by three days to call for nominations for the remaining vacancies. Nominations for the remaining Parent Category vacancy will close on Friday 1 March at 4.00pm.

School employee member - Number of vacancies Three (3)

Name of nominees:

  • Kerrie Souter
  • Stephanie Tregear
  • Kayla Doncon

As the number of the nominations is the same as the number of vacancies, we declare those who nominated as being elected. Congratulations!

Barbara O'Brien, Executive Principal.

The School Council election process for ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ is now taking place.

The ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ School Council Constituting Orders (Section 5) outlines the configuration of the ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ School Council for 2024 and thereafter – for the elected ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ School Council.

Schedule 1 of the Constituting Orders state:

  • Six Parent Representatives – which are elected positions
  • Five Department of Education Representatives - four of which are elected positions, one is the Executive Principal
  • Four Community Representatives – which are co-opted positions
  • Two Students – which are student leadership positions

The school is currently in an important phase of development and given the desire for School Council member diversity and ensuring the student experience is front and centre in ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢â€™s governance, we are looking for the four community positions on School Council to provide a mix of skills and experience.

We feel that the following areas are of particular value;

  • Multicultural community
  • Tertiary Education provider
  • Business

The objectives of a school council are set out in the school council’s constituting Order and section 2.3.4 of the Education and Training Reform Act and are to:

  • Assist in the efficient governance of the school
  • Ensure that its decisions affecting students of the school are made having regard, as a primary consideration, to the best interest of the students
  • Enhance the educational opportunities of students at the school
  • Ensure the school and the council complies with any requirements of the Education and Training Reform Act, the Education and Training Reform Regulations, a Ministerial Order or a direction, guideline or policy issued under the Education and Training Reform Act

Community members generally have the same rights, responsibilities and terms of office as elected members unless otherwise provided in Ministerial Order 1280 Constitution of Government School Councils.

School councillors must abide by the Code of Conduct issued by the Victorian Public Sector Commissioner. The Code of Conduct is based on the Victorian Public Sector Values and requires councillors to:

  • Act with honesty and integrity – be truthful, open and clear about their motives and declare any real, potential or perceived conflict of interest and duty
  • Act in good faith in the best interests of the school – work cooperatively with other councillors and the school community, be reasonable, and make all decisions with the best interests of students foremost in their minds
  • Act fairly and impartially – consider all relevant facts of an issue before making a decision, seek to have a balanced view, never give special treatment to a person or group and never act from self-interest
  • Use information appropriately – respect confidentiality and use information for the purpose for which it was made available
  • Use their position appropriately – not use their position as a councillor to gain an advantage
  • Act in a financially responsible manner – observe all the above principles when making financial decisions
  • Exercise due care, diligence and skill – accept responsibility for decisions and do what is best for the school
  • Comply with relevant legislation and policies – know what legislation and policies are relevant for which decisions and obey the law
  • Demonstrate leadership and stewardship – set a good example, encourage a culture of accountability, manage risks effectively, and exercise care and responsibility to keep the school strong and sustainable.

Interested applicants are asked to submit a half page addressing the following key criteria;

  • Tell us a bit about yourself.
  • How you fit one or more of the categories?
  • What skills and knowledge do you bring that can contribute to the school?

Expressions of Interest must be submitted by Tuesday 5 March 2024 by 4.00pm to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Applications will be considered by the current School Council and applicants will be notified by Wednesday 13 March 2024.




a)       Notice of Expression of Interest

Thursday 22 February 2024

b)      Closing date for Expression of Interest

Tuesday 5 March 2024 by 4.00pm

c)       Date by which the candidates will be notified

Wednesday 13 March 2024.

d)      First council meeting to elect office bearers and co-opt community members (the principal will preside)

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Please note that old and new members are required at this meeting