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In a state first, a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by Goulburn Valley Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Chair Nicole Atkinson and ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ Executive Principal Barbara O’Brien.
There are 32 consultative groups across Victoria and the Goulburn Valley group is the first to sign a formal partnership with a school. The MOU is among the initiatives that won ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ a prestigious and demonstrates a shared commitment to Aboriginal inclusion and closing the education gap for our Koorie students.

The statewide consultative groups have oversight from the Victorian Aboriginal Education peak body, the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated. VAEAI shares a strategic partnership with Victoria’s Department of Education and Training and together they developed the Marrung Aboriginal Education Plan (2016-2026). The vision for this ground-breaking, 10-year plan is to ensure every Koorie person achieves their potential, success in life and comfort in their cultural identity.

As a school for community, ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ recognises the importance of authentic partnerships.  This MOU partnership provides invaluable insights to assist with community consultation, curriculum development, community access and use of the ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ community hub, culturally appropriate communication and engagement and input into activities and programs to support cultural identity and connectedness.  

Together ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ and the Goulburn Valley Aboriginal Education Consultative Group will work to improve outcomes for Koorie students now and into the future
Pictured below Goulburn Valley Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Chair, Nicole Atkinson (left) & ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ Executive Principal Barbara O'Brien

This TUESDAY 12 July: Year 9 into 2023 10 Parent Information Session  

...6.30 - 7.30pm in the ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ Gymnasium (access directly from Hawdon Street)
Receive key information about the Year 9 into Year 10 subject selection process.
The presentation will be livestreamed and is accessible at this link from 6.30pm Tuesday:

Year 9 students will receive a subject guide this week. An electronic version of the guide is accessible here: /curriculum-and-learning/year-10-curriculum (scroll to the bottom to access the PDF).
Additional subject information will be delivered to students in class via subject showcases over the coming weeks.

This WEDNESDAY 13 July: Year 10 into 2023 Year 11 Parent Information Session:

...6.30 - 7.30pm in the ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ Gymnasium (access directly from Hawdon Street)
Receive key information about the subject selection process including student and parent/guardian attendance at course counselling and the VCE Vocational Major commencing in 2023 (replacing VCAL).
The presentation will be livestreamed and is accessible at this link from Wednesday 6.30pm:  

Any Year 10 students who did not receive their subject selection packs last term should speak with their Home Group teacher ASAP.
An electronic version of the guide is accessible via Compass here: /senior-school/year-11-and-12-curriculum (scroll to the bottom to access the PDF)

2023 Year 8 and Year 9 Subject Selection

The subject selection process for Year 7 and Year 8 students will occur early this term. Students will receive subject guides from their Social and Emotional teacher this week. An electronic version of the guide is accessible here /curriculum-and-learning/year-7-and-8-curriculum and /curriculum-and-learning/year-9-curriculum (scroll to the bottom to access the PDF).

Additional subject information will be delivered to students in class via subject showcases over the coming weeks.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to discuss options with their child. Students’ final selection will be made on Thursday 21 July during class time.
Home Group teachers will provide additional information to students about the process in upcoming Home Group sessions.