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All demo content is for sample purposes only, intended to represent a live site. Please use the RocketLauncher to install an equivalent of the demo, all images will be replaced with sample images.

All families are asked to log into Compass to complete an Insight Cycle in regard to COVID Testing data collection.

The Department of Health is requesting this information as a matter of urgency in their contact tracing process.

  pdf Compass Instructions (144 KB)

Dear Families,

Students will commence remote learning from home on Tuesday 24th August. Tomorrow 23rd August is a planning day for all staff.

All GGSC campuses are CLOSED and with our entire school community in quarantine, there will be no on-site learning for students until further notice.

Roll Marking will take place each morning at 9.00am. Students will need to log onto Teams in their Learning Mentor Teams Group to be marked present. Students will have 5 minutes to check in with their Learning Mentor and any scheduled classes will commence at 9.05am.

  • Students in Years 7-10 will receive one Remote Learning Task for each of their classes. This learning task will address the full week of learning. Teachers will make themselves available on Teams for each timetabled class. This will include a minimum of one live video lesson for each class. Teachers will offer support with materials, guidance and regular communication with their students within school hours.
  • Years 11 & 12 students will continue face to face teaching on Teams following the normal timetable. Their first lesson will commence at 9.05am after roll marking. Year 10 Fast-Tracking students are required to join the face-to-face online lessons for their Year 11 class.

Regular updates will be posted on Compass to keep all families informed.

Thanks for your support and assistance with this.


Barbara O’Brien