
+ 001 0231 123 32



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Dear Families,

It is really pleasing to see our students wearing their full school uniform every day and they are looking fantastic. There are however aspects of our school unform that are in place to address safety and OH&S requirements. Correct footwear is the most important one. Our Student Dress Code Policy states shoes to be worn at school are:

Black Leather lace up 

Leather upper with black sole 

Must comply with Australian Safety Standards for various subjects.

Any student undertaking a Technology subject is required to wear black leather shoes to protect their feet when using the technology equipment. This is an OH&S requirement that we are expected to follow by DET requirements and WorkSafe requirements.

Our new Technology workshops are designed for us to provide a range of high-level technology subjects and they have been fitted out with very sophisticated machinery. Only students wearing leather shoes will now be allowed to participate in these Technology subjects. We can no longer put our students’ safety at risk when they are using such sophisticated machinery as we are required to abide by DET and WorkSafe requirements. By Monday 14th February students who are undertaking one of the following Technology subjects must wear full leather shoes - black (leather boots can be brought to school and changed into) to be able to participate:

  • Design & Technology – Years 7 & 8
  • Fabrication
  • Engineering
  • Building and Construction
  • Furniture Making
  • Design and Technology Timbers
  • Vet Engineering
  • Vet Building and Construction
  • Product Design & Technology

Students who are NOT wearing full leather shoes - black (or leather boots) will not be able to participate and will therefore be placed into another subject that fits into their timetable.

Financial assistance is available, please contact the College.


Barbara O'Brien

Executive Principal

Today ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ students patiently lined up and waited for the school photos to be taken. If your student was not at school today there will be another opportunity on our follow up day 14 February.