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Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

It is unfortunate that the Greater Shepparton LGA is now in lockdown for another 7 days.  

As we have done in previous lockdowns, ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ will again move to remote and flexible learning from Monday 4th October. This remote learning will be for students in years 7-11.

Our VCE Unit 3/4 students will also remain at home on Monday 4th October for remote and flexible learning.

I am pleased to announce the GAT arrangements have not changed, and this will go ahead as planned on Tuesday 5th October. VCE Unit 3/4 and final year VCAL students will then return to onsite learning on Wednesday 6th October.

VCE Unit 3/4 students sitting the GAT on Tuesday are not required to have a test prior to this however any students that are experiencing symptoms should get tested immediately.

Any VCE students from outside of the Greater Shepparton LGA enrolled at ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ can continue to attend alongside their peers.

We will continue to provide Remote and Flexible Learning for students in Years 7 to 11 in the same manner as before the holidays. Our staff are committed to supporting your students in the best way possible and our remote learning program is designed to provide the best learning possible in this situation. Please find the Student Remote Learning Guide attached.

Students will follow their normal timetable and log into their class on Microsoft Teams for every lesson. The class teacher will mark the roll for every lesson, so it is important that students attend all of their classes.

Parents and carers must register now for onsite learning for Monday 4th  – Friday 8th October, if you qualify under the following categories, during the lockdown period.

This is in line with strict protocols introduced by the Department of Education and Training for public schools across Victoria.

To register for onsite learning from Monday, please contact your students’ campus on the following numbers;

McGuire 03 5858 9890

Mooroopna 03 5858 9891

Wanganui 03 5858 9892

Numbers are active 8am-5pm

All students accessing on-site learning will be on their usual campus and wear full uniform.

All students who can study from home must study from home, except for students in the following categories:

  1. Children where both parents and or cares are considered authorised workers who cannot work from home, work for an authorised provider.
  2. Children experiencing vulnerability
  3. Where a parent or carer indicates that a student with a disability is vulnerable as they cannot learn from home.

Thank you for your continued support and stay safe. I will continue to up-date you as further information is made available.


Barbara O'Brien

  pdf Student Guide to Remote Learning (805 KB)

Dear Families,

Today the Minister of Education announced a staggered return to on-site learning for students. The following will apply to the students of ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢:

  • Monday 4th October: Year 12 students and students completing Units 3 & 4 VCE subjects
  • Tuesday 5th October: GAT
  • Wednesday 6th October: Year 11s return to onsite learning (5 days per week)
  • Monday 11th October: Year 7s return to onsite learning (5 days per week)
  • Tuesday 12th October: Years 8 & 9 return to onsite learning (Tuesdays and Wednesdays)
  • Thursday 14th October: Year 10 return to onsite learning (Thursdays and Fridays)
  • The above arrangements will continue for two weeks. It is recognised that this staggered start will be challenging, however it provides clarity and an opportunity for our students to reengage with onsite learning.
  • Tuesday 26th October: All students returning to onsite learning full-time from this date.

It is a requirement by the Chief Health Officer that all students wear a mask at school both inside and outside at all times. Students are also required to wear a mask while travelling on a bus to and from school.


Barbara O'Brien

Executive Principal