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Tuesday 7 February 8.30am-4.30pm at Billabong Ranch. $40 payments to be made at Enterprise Reception.
CSEF can be used to cover this if you hold a health care or pension card.

At 5pm a BBQ will be held under the shade near Biyala neighbourhood, this will be followed by an information session for parents. 

Dear Parent/Guardian,
As you are aware we have had some issues with staffing Language classes in 2023. Each of you was notified of this prior to the closure of school in 2022.
Since then, a few additional changes have had to be made. These involve the four Year 7 groups and two Year 8 below.

7M and 7J from Italian to Auslan
7G  and 7N from Auslan to Italian
8M and 8E from Auslan to Italian

We fully appreciate that for some this will be a disappointing change, but we hope you will enjoy the opportunity to gain understanding of another language. In Yr 9, when Languages are electives, your child can then choose to follow their language of preference, follow a VCE pathway and enjoy all the benefits that their chosen language course offers. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school and ask for 
Stacie Lundberg, AP Curriculum and Pedagogy, 58912000