
+ 001 0231 123 32



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Secondary school students aged 12 or older must wear a face mask indoors at school, including when attending an Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) program, unless an exception applies. Face masks are required to be worn outdoors at school where physical distancing of 1.5m cannot be maintained.

Children under 12 years of age and students at primary school are not required to wear face masks when at school, or when attending an OHSC program.

Face masks are mandatory for all school staff and school students aged 12 or older when travelling to and from school.


The General Achievement Test has been postponed for all Victorian students as a result of the extended COVID-19 lockdown in Melbourne.

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority has confirmed the GAT, which was scheduled to take place on 9 June, has been postponed to a yet to be fixed date. 

All students studying a 3/4 Victorian Certificate of Education subject sit the GAT. This means that VCE students will have next Wednesday off, in accordance with the pupil free day that has been planned. We thank you for your understanding and will keep you informed as we get further guidance about the GAT.