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Dear Families,

Today the Minister of Education announced a staggered return to on-site learning for students. The following will apply to the students of ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢:

  • Monday 4th October: Year 12 students and students completing Units 3 & 4 VCE subjects
  • Tuesday 5th October: GAT
  • Wednesday 6th October: Year 11s return to onsite learning (5 days per week)
  • Monday 11th October: Year 7s return to onsite learning (5 days per week)
  • Tuesday 12th October: Years 8 & 9 return to onsite learning (Tuesdays and Wednesdays)
  • Thursday 14th October: Year 10 return to onsite learning (Thursdays and Fridays)
  • The above arrangements will continue for two weeks. It is recognised that this staggered start will be challenging, however it provides clarity and an opportunity for our students to reengage with onsite learning.
  • Tuesday 26th October: All students returning to onsite learning full-time from this date.

It is a requirement by the Chief Health Officer that all students wear a mask at school both inside and outside at all times. Students are also required to wear a mask while travelling on a bus to and from school.


Barbara O'Brien

Executive Principal

Dear Parents, Carers and Year 12 Students,

From 11.59pm tonight Wednesday 15 September 2021 the level of COVID-19 restrictions for Greater Shepparton Local Government Area (LGA) will be changed to reflect those currently in force for the rest of regional Victoria, meaning that there are no restrictions on reasons to leave the home or a travel limit.  

This means that for ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ the following students can return to on-site learning:

  • Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Units 3/4 students
  • Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) Final Year students

Year 12 teachers on both the Wanganui and McGuire Campuses will be present for timetabled classes, however they will also post their lessons up on Compass for any student who is unable to attend on-site.  

With the end of year exams just around the corner, this chance to return to campus tomorrow is important as it provides an opportunity for you to touch base with your teachers before going into the term break.

Please take note of the following important points for on-site learning tomorrow:

  • All students attending on-site must wear a mask at all times. Hand sanitizer will also be provided.
  • Tomorrow will be an out-of-uniform day for students on-site at both Wanganui and McGuire Campuses.
  • If you are feeling unwell, please stay at home and complete the on-line work posted on Compass.
  • Students travelling by bus, must also wear a mask at all times on the bus.
  • The canteens on both sites will NOT be operating tomorrow, so please remember to bring your own lunch.

 Parent/Teacher/Student conferences are being held on Friday 17th September, students are not required on-site and there will be no classes being held on re-mote learning.