
+ 001 0231 123 32



All demo content is for sample purposes only, intended to represent a live site. Please use the RocketLauncher to install an equivalent of the demo, all images will be replaced with sample images.

How are you looking after you in these crazy times?
What are you doing to support your own mental wellbeing?
Have you taken up a new hobby, or are you committing to spending time on the hobbies that already help 'soothe your soul'?
How are you staying connected with your loved ones?
What counts right now? What are you most grateful for?

Thursday 9th September is RU OK Day! 
Take the time to check in with your friends, family & workmates


Year 12 families who are yet to book students for a COVID-19 vaccination are advised there are numerous appointment vacancies over the next two days at the McIntosh Centre, Shepparton Showgrounds. The easiest way is to simply text your name and number to 0429 634 426 or 0429 353 740 – you will receive a call-back and a Pfizer vaccine booking will be made for your Year 12 student and their family members, if required.