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Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

We empathise with our school community as we look to enter another period of remote and flexible learning.

As educators, our profession is all about inter-acting with your children. So our teachers and support staff, many of whom are parents themselves, certainly understand and appreciate that this is a difficult time for us all.

That said, our teachers are also very experienced in delivering remote learning and very good at supporting our students in their online studies.

Students will commence remote learning from home tomorrow 16th July until Tuesday 20th July. Only students of Essential Workers can attend school on these days if they cannot be supervised at home. These students must report to the main office each day. School buses will continue to operate for students of Essential Workers only. Students will return to onsite learning on Wednesday 21st July.

With tomorrow, Friday 16th being the first day of remote learning, students will be required to log onto TEAMS at 9:00am for roll marking, however there will be no scheduled classes during the day as teachers will place tasks on compass for students to complete. Students can still message their teachers on TEAMS or email them if they require support with their work.

On Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th July, the following procedures will apply:

  • Roll Marking will take place Monday morning and Tuesday morning at 9.00am. Students will need to log onto Teams in their Learning Mentor Teams Group to be marked present. Students will have 5 minutes to check in with their Learning Mentor and any scheduled classes will commence at 9.05am.
  • Students in Years 7-10 will receive one Lesson Plan for each subject that will last for the four days. All their teachers will meet with them on Teams once during the four days and they will let them know which session this will be in their Class Newsfeed on Compass.
  • Years 11 & 12 students will continue face to face teaching on Teams following the normal timetable during the four days of remote learning. Their first lesson will commence at 9.05am after roll marking. Year 10 Fast-Tracking students are required to join the face-to-face online lessons for their Year 11 class.

Like the wider community, ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ will play its part in helping to ensure this lockdown is short-lived. Remote learning is very effective in limiting movement in the community, which helps to keep us all safe.

Families may want to brush up on their remote learning routine by referring to the resources on our website: /curriculum-and-learning/remote-learning-your-guide We will also provide Department of Education and Training updates on Compass as they come to hand.

Stay safe and well and we look forward to welcoming back our students at the earliest opportunity.


Barbara O’Brien

Executive Principal