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Dear parents/carers,

We are pleased to announce that the Department of Education and Training is offering support to Victorian government school students who are affected by the floods.

Families whose home and/or belongings have been damaged by the floods can access assistance for each school student in their household to replace essential school items, including:

  • Uniform Items
  • Shoes
  • Laptop
  • Laptop Sleeve
  • Internet Data Sim
  • Stationery Pack
  • Calculator
  • Headphones
  • Work Boots
  • Workwear
  • Swimwear and accessories
  • Sunscreen

Support to replace items of up to the value of $1,200 is available for each student who has been impacted by:

  • Loss or damage to home; and/or
  • Loss or damage to contents/belongings


Please contact the Department of Education and Training hotline on 1800 338 663 to register your request for assistance. The hotline is open from 8.30am to 6.00pm weekdays.

As part of the request process, during the call you will be asked to provide the following information:

  • Family name
  • Family contact details e.g. address, phone, email
  • Impact e.g. loss or damage to home, contents/belongings
  • Victorian government school name(s)
  • Number of school-aged students in your household

Hotline staff will forward your request details to State Schools’ Relief who will arrange for the support to be provided to you via the school.


State Schools’ Relief offer support for families experiencing other crisis events and/or severe financial disadvantage throughout the year.  Please speak to your child’s House Leader at the school if you require further information.

Please go to the for other supports and information for flood impacted families.



Barbara O’Brien

Executive Principal

Jacobson’s Update 23/10/2022 11.00am

  • Murchison township students who normally travel on Buss 22 are to board Bus 33 to school, same bus stops and same times – same for the return trip home.  Bus drivers will explain transfer buses to students on board,  Jodi from Jacobson’s will be at the  Mooroopna Interchange in the morning to assist students with the transfers
  • Bunbartha – Bus 3 - pending current Vic Emergency downgrade to Watch and Act status will be running a modified service where roads are not impacted by floods
  • Mooroopna Town Services – Only Lenne Street is still effected. Please go to the next safest Bus Stop and board there

Dyson’s Update 23/10/2022 10.30am

  • Running all buses with some minor adjustments where there may still be some water

Ford’s Update 23/10/2022  12.45pm

  • Running all buses with some minor adjustments where there may still be some water

Fitzpatrick’s Update 23/10/2022 12.45pm

  • Tallygaroopna, Zeerust, Nathalia Road then to Shepparton Bus 7 will run with some minor adjustments, all stops will remain the same

All other services by all the Bus Routes are running as planned.  Please be patient as there may be delays.  Students will not be left behind.  Please ask your child/children to talk to the Bus Driver if they have any concerns.  The Drivers all have communication with each other and will be happy to assist.

You are welcome to ring your local Bus Operator if your require any further details on your child’s Bus Route.