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Students in Year 7 & 9 will take part in Australia wide NAPLAN testing scheduled 10 May 2022 to 20 May 2022. If your student is in Year 7 or 9 please take the time to read the attached information.

pdf Naplan Letter to Parents (172 KB)

pdf NAPLAN Information for Parents (2.15 MB)

Information Night Year 7 2023

Parents of prospective Year 7 2023 students are invited to attend an information night at ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ on May 11 at 5.30pm. For more information and to book please use this link: 

Tours Grade 6 into Year 7 2023

To showcase our school in operation and highlight the great teaching and learning that occurs, ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ warmly invites Grade six students and their parents/carers to attend a College Tour.  Hosted by our Neighbourhood Principals and Year 10 students, the tour will provide you with the opportunity to view our Neighbourhood structure and ask about our wellbeing and inclusion programs, lunchtime clubs, student leadership and extra-curricular activities. The tours will start from the Enterprise Building (enter from Hawdon Street) at 9.30am, and run from Monday May 2nd to  Wednesday May 11th  Please contact the college on 5891 2000 if you require further information.  We look forward to welcoming you and you child to our tours. Please book your tour via this link: