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Dear parents and carers and students

I’m writing to update you about the situation at ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ – Wanganui Campus, after a student tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19).

I’d like to thank the entire school community at the outset for your patience and understanding during this difficult time.

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), as the lead health agency, has now completed its risk assessment.

As part of its investigation, DHHS has identified people who have potentially come into close contact with the student who tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). It provided direct and specific advice to these individuals and their families about quarantine and looking after themselves.

If you were not contacted by DHHS directly, then you are not considered to be a close contact.

DHHS has also advised the school it can re-open from Monday 24th August now that appropriate cleaning has completed.

If you have been identified as a close contact, you must quarantine for 14 days. You cannot attend the school until the quarantine period specified by DHHS has concluded.

Next steps

To slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), Stage 3 restrictions apply for regional and rural Victoria, and Stage 4 restrictions apply for metropolitan Melbourne.

All schools across Victoria will continue remote and flexible learning, for all year levels, for the rest of Term 3, except for specialist schools in rural and regional Victoria.

 On-site supervision in regional Victoria is available for students whose parents/guardians cannot work from home and where no other supervision arrangements can be made, vulnerable children and any child with a disability based on parent choice.

 Face coverings are compulsory for all Victorians over the age of 12. The exception to this is students over the age of 12 attending primary school, who are not required to wear a face covering while at school. Further information on the use of face coverings in schools can be found on the

More information

More information regarding coronavirus and schools is available from the Department of Education and Training (DET) on the or by contacting the DET coronavirus (COVID-19) hotline on 1800 338 663 8am to 6pm, seven days a week. If you call them, please be clear that you are calling in relation to ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ (Wanganui Campus), and they will provide as much information as they can.

For school information in your language, call TIS National on 131 450. Please ask them to call the DET coronavirus (COVID-19) hotline on 1800 338 663 and they will help interpret.

For health advice in other languages visit .

There are also resources and supports available on DET’s

I also remind you to please respect the privacy of our student who tested positive to coronavirus (COVID-19). I am proud to belong to such a caring and supportive school community and I thank you for your understanding at this challenging time.

The school will continue to work closely with both DET and DHHS during this time, and we wish the affected student a speedy and safe recovery.

Yours sincerely,

Genevieve Simson

Executive Principal



Dear parents and carers,

On Tuesday 25 August, the Department of Education and Training is presenting a free webinar for parents and carers by renowned child psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, on building family resilience during coronavirus (COVID-19).

Parents and carers play a vital role in helping children feel safe through uncertain times.

Dr Carr-Gregg’s webinar is aptly named Managing the Coronacoaster – Tips for building resilient families in the coronavirus era.

In this webinar, Dr Carr-Gregg provides tools and strategies for parents and carers to help manage the lockdown and remote learning. Topics include:

  • your supportive role
  • setting the emotional tone
  • focusing on what you can control
  • how to deal with disappointment
  • further resources and where to get help.

Dr Carr-Gregg’s presentation will run for 45 minutes. This will be followed by a 15-minute question-and-answer session in which parents and carers can ask Dr Carr-Gregg questions.

Webinar details

  • When: Tuesday 25 August
  • Time: 7:30pm
  • Duration: 45-minute presentation followed by 15-minute questions and answers session
  • Format: online via Webex
  • Cost: free

How to register

To register and for more information visit the