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With the 2022 School commencing for the Years 7, 9 and 12 students on Monday 31st January and the Years 8, 10 and 11 students commencing on Tuesday 1st February we stand on the cusp of a new era of secondary schooling for Greater Shepparton.
To allow us to transition the Years 8, 10 and 11 students onto this new site, the Years 7, 9 and 12 students will remain at home onTuesday 1st February. They will be provided with tasks to complete at home and bring back to school with them on Wednesday 2nd February.
All students will be on site from Wednesday 2nd February
To support the transition of our students onto our new Hawdon St site, the following processes will occur:
Year 7 students will go straight to their House entrance in their Neighbourhood where they will be met by their Home Group Teacher
Year 8 students will meet their Home Group Teacher in the Central Courtyard
Year 9 and Year 11 students will meet their Home Group teacher on the Oval at the back of the College buildings
Year 10 and Year 12 students will meet their Home Group teacher in the Gymnasium
Canteen For Term 1 only, our Canteen will operate one day a week for each Neighbourhood. The canteen services will not commence until Week 2 Monday 7th February. Please ensure your child brings their lunch and snacks to school for Week 1. Full canteen services will commence in Term 2. More information will be sent home to families next week.
Bell Times The school day will commence each morning at 8:50am with Home Group Recess - 11:02am Lunchtime – 1:34pm End of the day – 3:10pm Recess and lunchtime will be 40 minutes each.
It is an exciting time as we anticipate occupying the beautifully designed and equipped buildings that will support the teaching, learning and wellbeing of the young people at ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢.
The vision for ÃÛÌÒÅ®º¢ is much more than new facilities; it is founded on the need to improve the educational experience and lift the outcomes for all young people of Greater Shepparton. It will be a process of continuous improvement over years as we create a new, dynamic and vibrant learning community. It will take hard work and perseverance as we tackle the many issues that have been barriers to learning and achievement. We know we must do better.
It will also take a renewed commitment to inclusion and a genuine partnership between the school, families and the broader Shepparton community because it’s together that we’ll raise children and young people who grow, develop and are equipped to live and contribute meaningfully.
I am seeking your support to ensure the journey of improvement starts well this year. We have greater expectations of ourselves as leaders and teachers and also of our students as they join our new school.
I would ask that you assist us by talking to your child/ren about the following:
Coming to school and each lesson with the planner, laptop and materials needed
The new structures of Neighbourhood, House and Home Group will support our goal to build a greater sense of belonging and care for each student. We want our students to be known, connected to teachers, their peers and to be supported in their learning.
Our four school values (respect, responsibility, aspiration and integrity) will be the foundation on which we work together to build a strong, positive culture. The focus in term one will be on respect – for each other, for ourselves and for the environment (physical and natural).
It is important for each student to know that being respectful means that:
physical aggression, violence and bullying will not be tolerated. Together we will create a safe and secure environment for all
adults on the campus (teaching, education support and allied staff) have the right to ask a student their name and Home Group (even if they aren’t from the same House or Neighbourhood). Students must provide their full name upon request.
damage to property and equipment will not be tolerated
We have a wonderful opportunity to realise the dream of a better future through education for your child/ren. We can’t do it alone – but we can do it together. I seek your active support in that endeavour.
Dear parents/guardians/carers We hope all our school families have enjoyed the break and all students are looking forward to commencing next week. Please note our school office hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm and the new school phone number for enquiries is 5891 2000.
To effectively transition our students onto the new site we will be staggering the commencement for all year levels in 2022. Monday 31st January - Years 7, 9 & 12 students will commence. Year 7 students will go straight to their House entrance in their Neighbourhood building. Year 9 students will meet on the oval Year 12 students will meet in the gymnasium
Tuesday 1st February - Years 8, 10 & 11 students will commence. Year 8 students will meet in the central courtyard Year 10 students will meet in the gymnasium Year 11 students will meet on the oval
Guides will be positioned around the College to help direct students.
Years 7, 9 & 12 students will remain at home on Tuesday 1st February. They will be provided with tasks to complete while at home.
Wednesday 2nd February - All students will be on-site